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Parvo In Puppies


All A Dog Owners Needs To Know About Parvo In Puppies / Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention  Of Parvo In Puppies / Bengali Vet And Pet Care

The last thing any new puppy owner or dog breeder wants to hear is a parvo diagnosis. Parvo  in puppies are unfortunately a common disease with fatal consequences, which is why it is important that anyone who regularly deals with puppies knows the symptoms of parvo and what to do about it.

Parvo in Puppies
Parvo In Puppies 


What is Parvo ?

The canine parvovirus causes the parvo in puppies . The virus is highly contagious and spreads through direct contact with an infected dog or through direct contact with contaminated material. Your puppy is exposed to parvovirus every time he sniffs, licks, or uses infected stools. Indirect transmission occurs when a  person touches an infected dog that touches your puppy, or when a puppy comes in contact with contaminated material, such as a food or water container, collars and utensils, and hands and clothing of people handling infected dogs.


Because this virus cause  most damage in the GI tract , The Merck Veterinary Manual classifies the virus as a disease of the stomach and intestines . The virus infects small intestines, where it destroys cells, impairs absorption, and disrupts the intestinal barrier. Parvo in dogs also affects bone marrow and lymphopoietic tissue, and in some cases can affect the heart as well.


Why Do Puppies Get Parvo?

Puppies aged six weeks to six months are the most susceptible to parvo. Puppies under six weeks of age are still retaining some of the mother's immune system, assuming the dam has acquired a complete series of parvo vaccines. Puppies are vaccinated against parvo at about 6, 8 and 12 weeks of age. They are at risk of contracting the disease until they have acquired every third virus in their vaccine series, which means that owners need to be extra careful at this time to prevent their pups from getting the virus. Puppies should receive a dose of the canine parvovirus vaccine between 14 and 16 weeks, no matter how many doses they have received before, in order to improve adequate protection.


The size of the  cases parvo in puppies varies. Weaning pressure can lead to a more serious condition of parvo in puppies, as the pressure weakens the immune system. A combination of parvo and secondary infection or parasite can also lead to a more serious parvo condition in puppies.


In addition, certain breeds of dogs are at high risk of parvo:



Doberman investigators

American Staffordshire Terriers

English Springer Spaniels

German Shepherd Dogs

Labrador retrieval


How many days  puppies with  Parvo are contagious ?

New puppies and dogs with parvo begin to shed the virus within 4 to 5 days of exposure. Unfortunately for every  owners, this period does not always coincide with the first symptoms of parvo, which means that dogs can infect each other before their owners realize they are sick. Puppies with parvo continue to shed the virus for up to 10 days after clinical recovery, so be sure to keep any puppies that recover from parvo away from unvaccinated or slightly vaccinated dogs.


Without your dog, the virus can live indoors for at least one month, and outside it can live for many months and even a year under the right conditions. Talk to your veterinarian about the best way to get rid of parvovirus in your home or dog kennels.


 Symptoms of Parvo in puppies

A parvo puppy is a very sick dog. As soon as you catch the first signs of the virus in puppies, you will soon take your dog to a veterinarian.  you should call a veterinarian whenever your puppy feels under the symptoms of parvo in puppies , As parvo is common in young puppies  and the symptoms include :

Bloody diarrhea



Bad habits


Weight loss




All of these symptoms are serious in themselves and can be a sign of parvo or other serious illness. You should contact your veterinarian immediately if you suspect that your puppy has parvo, and be sure to inform the vet staff before your suspicion and your puppy's symptoms, so that they can take appropriate separation procedures to prevent your puppy from infecting other dogs.


Diagonosis of Parvo in puppies

Your veterinarian will diagnose parvo based on clinical symptoms and blood test . She can also do a test called ELISA to search for anti-viral antigens in your dog's blood and will do additional diagnostic tests as needed.

Treatment of parvo in puppies

There is no parvo specific solution of parvo in puppies . Your veterinarian will take care of your puppy during illness, treating symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and making sure your puppy is getting enough food.


Serious parvo-like vruses weaken the puppy's immune system and reduce the number of white blood cells, reducing its ability to fight against secondary bacterial infections. Damage caused by the virus to the dog's intestinal wall increases the risk of secondary infection. Your veterinarian can put your puppy on antibiotics to fight these germs and you will monitor your puppy carefully for additional problems.


Parvo is a potentially dangerous disease. 68 to 92 percent is the survival for parvo in puppies treated by veterinarian, and most puppies that survive the first three to four days are fully recovered. Recovery times vary widely, but it usually takes about a week for the pups to recover from the parvo.


Your veterinarian will take you through the appropriate steps for treating your puppy's case and will advise you on any precautionary measures you need to take for other puppies and dogs in your home.


Preventing Parvo in puppies

Parvo in puppies is a protected virus. All puppies and adult dogs must have their own parvo vaccines, and it is very important that the bitches used for breeding find the perfect parvo vaccine, as puppies will rely on maternal antibodies for the first few weeks of life.

You should not allow puppies to come in contact with unvaccinated dogs until they have all their parvo vaccines. Make sure all dogs in your house are vaccinated, and be very careful when having fun with your puppy. Dog parks and other places where dogs meet can be parvo sources, so arrange to meet your puppy in a public area below.



Fun and training are very important for puppies. You can safely communicate with your puppy with old dogs that have been fully vaccinated in an area similar to your home. Puppy classes, boarding schools, and nursing homes with general education require proof of immunization for all participants, but it is a good idea to talk to your veterinarian about the appropriate level of monitoring.



Parvo in puppies  is a serious and highly contagious disease. Understanding how parvo spreads, parvo symptoms, parvo treatments, and best ways to prevent parvo puppies will help keep your puppy safe. For more information on parvo, talk to your veterinarian.

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